General Membership Meeting
October 13, 2015
o Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President Richard Stamm.
o The Tip of the Month was presented first (Kenny had a lesson to get to):
Hitting your drive / shot down the target line. The correct approach is to ‘come from the inside’; that is, set up to hit the ball at the 7 o’clock position and then release the club. This approach may seem foreign to you initially – you should commit to it and practice it regularly to develop ‘muscle memory’.
o September minutes were approved.
o Treasurer’s Report (Don Kasper):
With 61 current members signed up, we have $1,653.93. Last month’s expenditures were: $75.00 for the Memorial bagpiper and $81.00 for flowers for a total of $156.00 spent.
o News From the Course (Frank Beaty):
The Front Nine is now open and needs everyone’s loving care:
- Repair your ball marks and any others that you may spot while you are on the new & immaculate greens.
- Enter & exit the bunkers from the low side (do not climb up and out on the newly sodded areas – the sod still needs time to mature and take hold.
- There are still wet areas (Number 2, etc.) so be mindful to follow existing paths to avoid damaging the fairways.
- When you reach a cart path, stay on the cart path and do not allow your wheels to ‘slide’ off the concrete thereby making ‘craters’ along the edges.
- Carts may be driven in waste areas, but NOT in bunkers – if you are unsure if an area is a bunker or waste area, do not drive in it and then seek clarification.
o New Business
- Sammy Hawkins Tournament - Oct 24
- Tri Course Tournament - Oct 28, Oct 30 & Nov 2
- November Match Play - Nov 13, 14, 15 & 17
- Dean Wood has proposed amending some items in the MGA Constitution. Dean went over the proposed changes and discussed the rationale behind them. We will vote (at next month’s meeting) on each change individually. The changes being proposed are:
Constitution Article I Name and Purpose Section 1: The name of the organization shall be the Men’s Golf Association at Cedar Creek (MGA-CC). The MGA-CC derives its identity from the community of Cedar Creek and is associated with the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
Rationale: Changes the name of the club to be in conformance with the present name of the club and the association of the MGA-CC with the club from not affiliated to associated.
NOTE: The club name is also changed in Article II Membership.
Constitution Article III Organization and Meeting Section 1. The MGA-CC shall be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Communications Director, Treasurer and Tournament Director(s) each of whose duties shall be in conformance with traditional functions performed by these officers. In the event the President is unable to complete his term the Vice President shall succeed him and will appoint a member of the MGA-CC as Vice President.
Rationale: Removes the unnecessary adjunct “Communications Director” from the title of Secretary and provides for succession of the President who may not be able to complete his term of office together with the procedure for appointment of a Vice President.
Constitution Article III Organization and Meetings Section 5. An annual meeting of the association shall be held in September at a time and place determined by the Board of Directors for the proper election of officers and conduct of other year-end business. Officers may be re-elected and succeed themselves for a term not to exceed three successive years or three years total service and may not thereafter serve as an elected officer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) of the Association. Past officers may continue to serve as Tournament Directors.
Rationale: The original intent of Section 5 impliedly was that a person may serve as a principal board member for a total of three years thus clarifying the limitation on the term of office for President, Vice
NOTE: In regard to Don Kasper’s tenure as treasurer the change to Article III Section 5 with respect to his term of office is not affected. Since he began his current term prior to the change he is eligible to serve another three years.
Constitution Article IV Document Amendment: Change “two-thirds” to “majority”.
Rationale: Provides for conformance with Constitution Article III Section 6 and other sections specifying a vote of the membership.
By-Laws Article I Section 2. “…. and approved by the membership by a majority of members at any regular meeting.”
Rationale: Adds clarity and consistency with the following sentence of Section 2.
By-Laws Article III Section 1: Members of the MGA-CC must have a USGA certified handicap to be eligible for prize money. other than closest-to-pin awards at any tournament. MGA-CC members may play in any event without participating in the tournament competition per se by declaring same and remitting the host club cost of the event only.
Rationale: Removes eligibility of members without a USGA certified handicap from closest to pin awards and provides for participation by MGA-CC members with or without a USGA certified handicap in an event without participating in the event prize pool.
- It was recommended that we should support our home course by having a MGA tournament here. It would show our support and appreciation for both the course and the Grille.
The meeting was adjourned @ 5:45pm
Minutes prepared and respectfully submitted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA