Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Golf Association at Cedar Creek (GACC). The GACC derives its identity from the local golfing community and is affiliated with the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
Section 2. The primary purpose of the GACC is to arrange and conduct friendly competition golf activities, promote good fellowship, and undertake such other activities as may be appropriate to further camaraderie and socialization between and among its members as well as other golf associations.
Section 3. A secondary purpose of the GACC shall be to participate in functions that may enhance community relations and support charitable activities as may be agreed upon by the membership of the association.
Section 1. Membership in the GACC shall be open to all golfers. Junior Golfers of High School age may be a member with free membership. Once established, uninterrupted annual dues renewal is the only requirement for membership retention.
Section 2. Membership in the GACC shall entitle a member to participate in all GACC events and representation in determination of the use of the association’s resources.
Section 1. The GACC shall be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director(s) each of whose duties shall be in conformance with traditional functions performed by these officers. In the event a vacancy occurs the President, with concurrence of the Board, shall appoint a member of the GACC to the vacant position. In the event the President is unable to complete his term the Vice President shall succeed him and will appoint a member of the GACC as Vice President.
Section 2. The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint advisors to assist in the conduct of affairs of the association. The Board may also establish standing or ad hoc committees to arrange and promote golf-related activities or for other specific purposes of the association.
Section 3. The Board of Directors will meet twice during the operational year with the general membership to transact such business as may be appropriate for the conduct of affairs of the association. Every attempt will be made to combine a social event with the quarterly meeting. The Board of Directors may meet in executive session at the call of the President or by no less than two other members of the Board with a minimum of three days notice, to prepare for business for presentation to the membership.
Section 4. The operational year will commence on January 1 of each year and end on December 31 of each year with annual dues (Article II) to be remitted at that time.
Section 5. A vote for the proper election of officers will be held in the 4th quarter of every operational year. The vote may be conducted in person at a regular meeting of the membership or via an electronic/online format. Officers may be re-elected and succeed themselves. New officers to be installed on January 1st and each January 1st thereafter for one-year terms. Should circumstances dictate the existing board may appoint a new board member for a period of time necessary to hold a new election for any vacated board positions.
Section 6. The members present at any regular meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 7. Communication regarding any regularly scheduled or annual meeting including agendas for same as well as tournament activities and all other matters relevant to the GACC between and among the Board of Directors and members shall be via email together with posted announcements on the bulletin board at the club.
Section 8. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the GACC.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the GACC may be amended by a majority vote of those present at a regular meeting provided notice of the proposed amendment is submitted to the membership not less than 30 days in advance of the meeting. The call of the meeting shall include the proposed amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws.
Dissolution of the GACC may occur with not less than 30 days prior notice and approval by a majority of members present at a meeting called for that purpose. All outstanding bills will be paid, and the remaining money will be donated to the Cedar Creek Golf Course.
Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Golf Association at Cedar Creek (GACC). The GACC derives its identity from the local golfing community and is affiliated with the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
Section 2. The primary purpose of the GACC is to arrange and conduct friendly competition golf activities, promote good fellowship, and undertake such other activities as may be appropriate to further camaraderie and socialization between and among its members as well as other golf associations.
Section 3. A secondary purpose of the GACC shall be to participate in functions that may enhance community relations and support charitable activities as may be agreed upon by the membership of the association.
Section 1. Membership in the GACC shall be open to all golfers. Junior Golfers of High School age may be a member with free membership. Once established, uninterrupted annual dues renewal is the only requirement for membership retention.
Section 2. Membership in the GACC shall entitle a member to participate in all GACC events and representation in determination of the use of the association’s resources.
Section 1. The GACC shall be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director(s) each of whose duties shall be in conformance with traditional functions performed by these officers. In the event a vacancy occurs the President, with concurrence of the Board, shall appoint a member of the GACC to the vacant position. In the event the President is unable to complete his term the Vice President shall succeed him and will appoint a member of the GACC as Vice President.
Section 2. The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint advisors to assist in the conduct of affairs of the association. The Board may also establish standing or ad hoc committees to arrange and promote golf-related activities or for other specific purposes of the association.
Section 3. The Board of Directors will meet twice during the operational year with the general membership to transact such business as may be appropriate for the conduct of affairs of the association. Every attempt will be made to combine a social event with the quarterly meeting. The Board of Directors may meet in executive session at the call of the President or by no less than two other members of the Board with a minimum of three days notice, to prepare for business for presentation to the membership.
Section 4. The operational year will commence on January 1 of each year and end on December 31 of each year with annual dues (Article II) to be remitted at that time.
Section 5. A vote for the proper election of officers will be held in the 4th quarter of every operational year. The vote may be conducted in person at a regular meeting of the membership or via an electronic/online format. Officers may be re-elected and succeed themselves. New officers to be installed on January 1st and each January 1st thereafter for one-year terms. Should circumstances dictate the existing board may appoint a new board member for a period of time necessary to hold a new election for any vacated board positions.
Section 6. The members present at any regular meeting shall constitute a quorum.
Section 7. Communication regarding any regularly scheduled or annual meeting including agendas for same as well as tournament activities and all other matters relevant to the GACC between and among the Board of Directors and members shall be via email together with posted announcements on the bulletin board at the club.
Section 8. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the GACC.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the GACC may be amended by a majority vote of those present at a regular meeting provided notice of the proposed amendment is submitted to the membership not less than 30 days in advance of the meeting. The call of the meeting shall include the proposed amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws.
Dissolution of the GACC may occur with not less than 30 days prior notice and approval by a majority of members present at a meeting called for that purpose. All outstanding bills will be paid, and the remaining money will be donated to the Cedar Creek Golf Course.
Section 1. An annual membership fee shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Any change in the annual fee from one fiscal year to the next together with rationale for
same shall be presented to membership at the annual meeting and approved or
disapproved by a majority of those present.
Section 2. Proceeds from annual fees shall be used for administrative expenses of the
GACC and such other purposes proposed by the Board of Directors or a member and
approved by a majority of members at any regular meeting. Any expenditure in excess
of five hundred dollars ($500) must be approved by a majority of members present at a
regular meeting of the membership.
Section 1. Tournament Director(s) shall organize and conduct tournaments for
members of the GACC at the Golf Club at Cedar Creek and at other courses they
deem appropriate. At least fifty percent (50%) of the tournaments will be held at Cedar
Creek/The Aiken Golf Club. The venue and format of all tournaments shall be
determined by the Tournament Director(s) and communicated to the membership not
less than three weeks prior to the event date. Participants must commit and remit the
specified tournament entry fee to the Tournament Director(s) not later than one week
prior to the event. Late entries will be accepted only at the discretion of the
Tournament Director(s).
Section 2. Prize money shall be distributed to at least thirty-three percent (33%) of the
participants in any event. Closest-to-pin winners are not included in the 33%
Section 3. The distribution of fees and award of prizes shall be as nearly equitable as
possible among categories of play(ers) established for each tournament.
Section 4. Fees not awarded at any tournament will be retained in the treasury of the
GACC and signified for distribution as may be proposed by the Board of Directors or a
member and approved by the membership.
Section 1. Members of the GACC must have a World Handicap System (WHS)
certified handicap to be eligible for prize money. GACC members may play in any
event without participating in the tournament competition per se by declaring same and
remitting only the host club cost of the event.
Section 2. A member who may be required to withdraw from a tournament prior to the
event date and who may not be able to secure another to assume his entry may have
his tournament entry fee returned only at the discretion of the Tournament Director(s).
Section 3. Members may have guests with World Handicap System (WHS) certified
handicaps play in GACC events by registration with the Tournament Director(s) and
declaration as such provided that the tournament format permits guest play. The guest
tournament fee will be established by the Tournament Director(s). Guest eligibility for
prize money will be determined by the Tournament Director(s).
Section 1. All GACC tournaments will be played in accordance with USGA rules and
any local rules applied by the host club.
Section 2. A maximum handicap of 36 is allowed for play in any tournament for any
member or guest of the GACC.
Section 3. When the format of a tournament includes players in competition with one
another from differing tees, e.g., “member” and “senior” tees, an appropriate
adjustment to handicaps will be made by the Tournament Director(s).
Section 4. When necessary to complete a team lacking a member for certain events a
score – signified as a “blind” score – of a non-team member may be drawn by the
Tournament Director(s) and used to complete a team score. The person whose “blind”score is used is eligible for prize allocation only with the team with which he played and
not with the team to which is score is applied.
Section 5. Scorecards must be signed by all tournament participants. If appropriate,
adjusted gross scores must be posted in the handicap system.
Section 6. Separate flights may be established for Men Golfers, Junior Golfers, Woman
Golfers, and or Mixed Couples. Equitable handicaps will be established for all flights.
The GACC may sponsor, contribute to or otherwise promote through funding or
advertisement golf and golf-related activities such as, for example, but not limited to
the Cedar Creek Interclub Team, Silver Bluff High School golf team, Hook-a-Kid on
Golf, and others taken under consideration by the Board of Directors and approved by
the membership.
Upon the death of a current or past member in good standing the GACC will make a
$50 memorial contribution in the name of the deceased to an organization designated
by the deceased’s family together with a sympathy card to the surviving family. The
memorial contribution should indicate acknowledgement be provided to the family by
the designated organization.