General Membership Meeting
Sep 10, 2019
Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Aug 8, 2019 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1705.48
no expenditures in August
Ending Bal $ 1705.48
109 current MGA members
Old Business
Proposal to change the MGA constitution to move from a fiscal year to a calendar
year was brought to the floor for a vote.
All attendees voted in favor (none opposed).
We are still in need of 3 new officers. Current officer terms expire Dec 31, 2019.
New Business
- Discussed upcoming tournaments:
The memorial recognition ceremony will take place at the clubhouse prior
to the tournament starting. MGA volunteers will clean-up, spruce-up the
Memorial area just off the 7th green. A wreath will be placed there during
the tournament.
Oct 22 - Westlake
Nov 19 – Mount Vintage - format TBD
Dec 6 -- Fort Gordon 10 am shotgun start – stroke play
- Ken Brace suggested the MGA conduct a golf outing / banquet to mark the
50 / 50
$50 collected. Richard Stamm had the winning ticket #8649570 worth $25
Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro