General Membership Meeting
May 13, 2014
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President Ken Brace.
The Minutes of the April 2014 meeting were approved.
In Don Kasper’s absence, Dave King gave the Treasurer’s Report:
We currently have 121 members
Projected year-end balance is $523.31
Kenny Evenson’s tip of the day was to “let the clubs do the work.” In most cases, new clubs won’t help anyone improve very much. Working on your swing will be more beneficial. He also thanked everyone for helping to maintain the golf course and thanked Ray Naramore for organizing the work crew to repaint the clubhouse dining room.
Vice-President Frank Beaty updated the current status of the golf course.
Filling in divots on the course and on the driving range continues to be a problem. He urged members to use the sand bottles on the range and on the course to fill divots. MGA has also posted a video on the web site outlining the correct way to use the range.
The maintenance crew is currently finishing clean up from the ice storm, including trimming of overhanging limbs.
The course management is currently considering a volunteer “adopt-a-hole” program in which volunteers would check and repair divots, ball marks, etc. More to come on this.
President Brace also mentioned that more snakes than usual have been seen on the course, including copperheads. He urged members to be observant, especially when around the remaining debris piles.
A question from the floor asked if the benches on the driving range could be moved closer to the hitting area. Not sure this is possible, but the idea will be raised with course management.
Ray Naramore gave the results of the April tournament at Applewood. Details are on the website.
Dean Wood gave the results of the May tournament at Cedar Creek. Results are posted on the website.
The June tournament will be held on June 26 at Pointe South and the July tournament will be held on July 21 at Mount Vintage. Details for both are on the website.
The Interclub Match Play League is starting up again. Stony Point and Wildwood/Wood Creek are the other teams in the circuit. The response to the call for players has been good and we will field a team in the league. Dean Wood is the non-playing captain of the Aiken/Cedar Creek team. Dean’s team will have 6 players from Cedar Creek and 6 players from Aiken Golf Club. All home matches will be at the Aiken Golf Club. More details are on the website.
President Brace announced that the nine-hole outing with the Silver Bluff Golf Team on March 8 was a success and that Miracle Howard won the trophy that the MGA provided.
He also announced that a thank you letter had been received from Par Fore Parkinson’s organizer Mike Snug. Thanking the MGA for its donation to the cause.
President Brace announced that the Match Play Tournament for 2014 will be played on November 14-16.
Dave King floated the idea of a holding a Veterans Appreciation Tournament and Festival on or about December 7. This could also be affiliated with the annual Toys for Tots Campaign. This is just in the planning stages, so anyone with ideas or suggestions should contact Dave King. Dave welcomes any and all suggestions.
Dean Wood announced that range bags are continuing to disappear from the driving range. He urged MGA members to be observant of individuals walking off with them.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Sabol