General Membership Meeting
Jul 11, 2017
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Jun 12, 2017 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
We now have 122 paid members
Beginning Bal: $1,901.81
+ 20.00 (50/50)
- 250.00 (Silver Bluff HS)
- 70.00 (Meals for Silver Bluff HS outing)
- 50.00 Mike D.
- 30.42
Ending Bal: $1,521.39
Tip from Kenny E.
If you are having trouble hitting your irons, practice your shoulder rotation.
Concentrate on your left shoulder – make sure it rotates back and around,
then forward and through.
The MGA presented our money donation to Jim McNair to be used to acquire
signs and posts for each of our 18 holes.
Rules Discussion
George Montgomery discussed the rule changes for 2019.
Areas affected: how a ball may dropped, maximum time allowed for a ball
search (3 minutes), flagstick may be left in for putts, loose impediments can be
removed from bunkers and hazards, repairing damage on greens (including spike
marks) is allowed, ready play (hitting out of turn is allowed), accidentally moving
your ball (no penalty).
Old Business
Results of Greenwood tournament were reviewed – also, members really enjoyed
the course and tournament format.
New Business
We are now seeking anyone interested in becoming a board member.
Applewood is Jul 17th – so far the response is tepid.
Orangeburg is Aug 10 – we are shooting for 40 players – we have 38, need 2 more
River Club is Sep 5
General Discussion
Jim McNair addressed hole 15 – it seems to be growing / improving. The thought
is to open it for play and expect continued improvement due to maintenance,
improved weather (increased rain and warm temps).
50/50 drawing - $80. George Montgomery won $40 with ticket #434309
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA