General Membership Meeting
Mar 13, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Feb 13, 2018 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1236.97
+ 38.00 (50/50)
+ 120.00 (Member dues)
Ending Bal $ 1394.97
We currently have 116 members.
Tip from Kenny E.
Kenny gave another tip for grooving your swing to hit from the inside.
- Lay down a stick(pointing toward the target, in front of your stance)
- Practice swinging your club keeping the clubhead inside the stick.
- Keep your right hand relaxed – this will help the club release.
Rules Review (Bill Robinson)
Bill discussed Rule 13 Playing the ball as it lies – what it means and what your
options are.
Now that the rule changes for 2019 have been released, Bill & George will use
future MGA meetings to begin explaining what they are and how they should be
adhered to.
New Business / Upcoming Tournaments
We reviewed the tournament schedule for the rest of 2018. We are looking for
suggestions for a tournament in August - currently we don’t have a venue planned.
50/50 Drawing
$75 collected, winning ticket 434980 earned Ray Narramore $37.50
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA