General Membership Meeting
Sep 11, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Very low attendance – 12 members including officers attended.
Minutes for Aug 13, 2018 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1493.47
+ 17.00 (50/50)
Ending Bal $ 1510.47
Rules Review - current rules vs. rules that will be enacted 2019
(George Montgomery)
George discussed the new rule that offers an alternative to the “Stroke & Distance” penalty for balls
that are OB, lost, etc. Included in the discussion was guidance on determining the relief area granted
by the new rule.
New Business
Jeff Kanc volunteered to be the new MGA Treasurer for business
year 10/2018 thru 09/2019.
Upcoming tournament – The River Club Wed Sep 19, 2018
October’s tournament will be at Mt. Vintage. Ken Brace toured the club and said it
was in great shape.
December’s tournament will be at Gordon Lakes (Fort Gordon). Entry to the course
should easier than in the past.
Open Discussion
A ‘lively’ discussion took place addressing our low participation rate and what
needs to be done about it. Points made:
* Move the meetings back to the Grille
* Hold the meetings less frequently
* Conduct a ‘strategy session’ meeting and solicit ideas from the membership.
John Moynihan will carry the discussion / action forward from here.
50/50 Drawing
Ticket #435439 was purchased by Ray Naramore. Ray donated his winnings back
to the MGA
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro – Secretary