13 November 2012
The MGA-CC General Membership meeting was called to order by President Ken Brace at 5:00 p.m. in the Grille Room at the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
The Minutes of the October general membership meeting were accepted and approved.
Membership/Financial Report: Don Kasper reported that there are currently 72 paid members. The organization currently has a balance of $1046.89. The financial report was accepted and approved.
News from the course:
- Jim McNair has met with Mike DePasqual. Mike will be continuing at Cedar Creek and maybe part time at Aiken Golf Club.
- The papers for transferring the course to new ownership will be signed on Friday.
- The course will be closed on Thursday and Friday and opened under new management on Saturday.
- The current rates at Cedar Creek will apply until the end of the year. A new rate schedule will be out around mid December.
- On Thursday and Friday members of Cedar Creek can play the Aiken Golf Course for cart fees only.
- Gary Frazier will be the new Cedar Creek groundskeeper. He has experience at Palmetto Golf Course and has a landscaping business of his own.
- Beverly Burke will be the new food manager at Cedar Creek. She has 20 years experience in the restaurant business.
- A motion was made by Jim Mitchell to sponsor a “ Meet and Greet” for Jim McNair. During the ensuing discussion it was suggested that we try to get the Ladies Golf Association to also sponsor the event. It was also mentioned that the event could be larger than the club house could accommodate and that details must be worked out. Dean Wood will check with Jim McNair to determine if he would be in favor of such an event. A vote of the members present passed the motion with the caveat that Ken Brace could cancel the motion if Dean’s response from Jim McNair was not positive.
Sadie Hawkins Results:
- The winners of the event was the pair of Sandy Hawley and Andrew Wilson. Congratulations to them and all of the participants.
2012-13 Tournament Schedule:
- The next tournament will be at Fort Gordon on 12/7/2012 @ 10:00 AM. The cost will be $30.00 entry, $10.00 prize money for a total of $40.00. As always you can play without participating in the prize fund.
- Frank Beaty and Daryl Winefordner are new tournament directors this year. Welcome aboard.
- Ken Brace said the MGA will try to have a member/guest tournament this year. It will be a 2 day event played at Cedar Creek and Aiken Golf Club.
New Business:
- At the Cedar Creek Board Meeting driving of golf carts on the roadways in Cedar Creek was discussed. Several complaints have been received with regard to persons driving in the parks etc. Make sure if you have a cart to only let people 16 years old or older drive it within Cedar Creek.
- None were asked.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm by president Ken Brace.
Respectfully submitted,
Ray Naramore