The Minutes of the December 2012 meeting were approved.
Don Kasper gave the Treasurer’s Report:
- We currently have 96 members
- Current balance is $1037.39
- There are no bills outstanding
- $250 was spent for food and drink at the Meet and Greet.
News from the Course:
President Brace updated the current status of the golf course and the handicap system.
- The new handicap system will be up and running by Friday, January 10. In order to post scores, members will need a GHIN number (available from Mike D) to post scores from a home computer and a current member number to post scores at the CC clubhouse. A smartphone app is also available.
- The golf course is currently undergoing extensive tree removal. It was recommended by experts in order to encourage grass growth.
- The golf course presently has too few golf carts to support healthy play. Therefore walking is currently allowed at any time. The course is hoping to have more carts available by February 1.
- Mr. McNair has been asked about having a “trail fee” for those who own their own golf carts. This issue has not yet been resolved. It was pointed out that the cart rules at the Aiken Golf Club and Cedar Creek Golf Club are different.
- Players Club members were invited to play in the annual “Tough Day” tournament at the Aiken Golf Club on Saturday, January 12.
Brace also discussed the upcoming tournament schedule (posted on the MGA website at The organization will try to have a couple of upcoming tournaments handled as true “tournaments” for handicap purposes. Members were also reminded to post all scores, as outlined in the recent letter from the Handicap Committee.
A motion was made to change the Saturday Dogfight Entry Fee from $10 to $5. After a discussion, the motion was approved.
Dave King presented information about the new MGACC website. Our previous website was shut down by Google for unknown reasons. Dave has obtained the url for 3 years at a cost of $12 per year. No password is needed to log in. Simply go to the site. Dave entertained suggestions from the membership about what to include on the site besides tournament and membership information. He will put a link to the GHIN Handicap system on the site and may be able to link to the websites of the golf courses scheduled for upcoming MGA tournaments. Other possibilities include allowing Mike D and Beverly Baum opportunities to post information about the course (such as frost delays, rain closures,etc.) or grille food specials.
Terry Eckert asked from the floor if the Tuesday Dogfight can go back to being a shotgun start. No one has raised this issue with Mike D or Mr. McNair, so it remains unresolved.
Brace announced that the Cedar Creek Grille will be open for food for the Super Bowl. Alcohol, however, will not be available so participants must bring their own.
In light of the above, and to support the course and the grille, it was suggested that the MGACC try to arrange a happy hour at the grille on a regular basis. The happy hour would be open to everyone in the community. The MGACC board will investigate.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Sabol