General Membership Meeting
Jun 12, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for May 8, 2018 meeting were approved.
Tip from Kenny E.
Situation: Your ball is sitting down in heavy rough around the green.
Do not try to ‘gouge’ it out; instead, play it like a bunker shot: come down steep,
complete the shot and let the club release – don’t try to keep the face open.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1462.47
+ 30.00 (50/50)
+ 0.00 (No new members, 120 current members)
Ending Bal $ 1492.47
Rules Review - current rules vs. rules that will be enacted 2019. (Bill Robinson)
Bill discussed rules that apply to the green: Replacing your ball after its position has been marked,
repairing damage, touching the line of the putt, and putting with the flagstick unattended.
New Business
Tournament at Woodside Plantation Jun 25. Two man best ball (handicapped)
Pick a partner or Ken Brace will match you up. Cutoff data for entry is Jun 22.
Tournament at Cobblestone Wednesday Jul 25 – modified Stableford -
Ben Peppard – director. Cost: $42.00 includes Greens fee, cart and range balls.
$5.00 prize fund, $5.00 skins (optional).
General Discussion
How can we increase attendance for MGA meetings?
Meet less frequently.
Try moving back to the Grille.
Do not schedule a meeting until / unless there is a reason (News about the course, etc.)
50/50 Drawing
$65 collected, Dean Spiro had the winning ticket earning him $33.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA