General Membership Meeting
Apr 12, 2016
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President Richard Stamm.
Minutes for Mar 8, 2016 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning balance: $1,831.18 + 2 new members ($20.00) + 2 new members ($20)
Ending balance: $1,851.18
We now have 123 paid members
Tip From The Pro (Kenny E.)
Chipping on to the green from inside 20 – 30 yds.
Take a lofted club (52 – 60 degree wedge),
Backswing should be no more than shoulder high
Accelerate through the ball
Low follow-through (clubhead at 3 o’clock)
Rules of golf
Hole #5. Relief from where the Ball lies, not where the obstruction lies.
Old Business
Reviewed Cedar Creek tournament results.
New Business
Team Tournament @ Cedar Creek Friday April 22 – signup by Apr 19.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA