General Membership Meeting Minutes Nov. 21, 2019
Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. by President John Moynihan
Minutes for the Meeting of Sept. 10 were approved .
Treasurer's Report delivered by Jeff Kanc :
Beginning Balance (Oct. 1, 2019) = $1,644.08
Expenditure of $250.00 for Cedar Creek Golf Club "Go Fund Me"
Closing Balance (Oct. 31, 2019) = $1,394.08
Old Business
Results of Westlake and Mt. Vintage tournaments were presented by Richard Stamm
New Business
Fort Gordon Tournament discussed by Ken Brace.
Ken requested that the MGA open up this tournament and that was agreed by President John Moynihan.
New World Handicapping System was men1oned. Mike D. briefly mentioned the need to prepare
for this change and that more informa1on would be forthcoming.
Other Business
Given the lack of volunteers to fill 3 MGA Board posi1ons as of Jan. 1, 2020,
The options for how to operate in 2020 were presented and discussed.
These options included dissolving the MGA as well as changing the exis1ng constitution.
Dick Leach, Ken Brace and Ed Schneider voluntered to fill the posi1ons and con1nue opera1ons.
Dick Leach agreed to meet with John Moynihan and Dave King in December
in order to make this transi1on to a new MGA Board.
There was no date set for the next meeting.
Meet1ng was adjourned at 3:50.