General Membership Meeting
Nov 13, 2018
Note: We did not have an MGA meeting in October.
Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Sep 11, 2018 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1318.47
+ 370.00 (Membership Dues)
- 142.00 (Prize fund)
Ending Bal $ 1546.47
Old Business
Reviewed results from tournament at Mount Vintage – Gary Crisafulli was the overall winner.
New Business
Upcoming tournament – Fort Gordon – Dec 7. Format will be 2 man best ball.
We need to compile a list of attendees one week prior to the tournament (for
gate access), so get your registration form & check in ASAP
George Montgomery & Bill Robinson will be conducting two seminars to review
and explain the rule changes going in effect in 2019.
Open Discussion
Ray Naramore led a brain-storming session to solicit ideas from MGA members
with regard to things that could be done to generate greater attendance and overall
enthusiasm. A list of 25+ ideas was compiled and Ray will organize / categorize it
and then we will meet again to review and further refine it.
50/50 Drawing -- $65.00
Ticket #435143 was purchased by Dean Spiro. Dean donated his winnings to the
fund for AJ @ AGC
Meeting was adjourned at 4:05 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro