General Membership Meeting
1. Meeting called to order at 5:00 by President Ray Naramore
2. August minutes approved
3. Treasurers Report – Don Kasper
· 117 members
· $401.14 on hand after anticipated expenses for the year are pd.
· Dues for upcoming year are now being accepted - $10
4. News from the Course – 2 black tee players are needed for the Crystal Cup
5. Greenwood Tournament results – Dave Moore was the overall winner
6. Annual Memorial Service will be held on the 7th green at 8:00am, just before the start of the Crystal Cup. Please spread the word and plan to attend.
7. The Tri-Course Tournament is scheduled for Mon. Sept. 24 at Woodside, Wed. Sept. 26 at Cobblestone, and Fri. Sept. 28 at Cedar Creek. Players may play any or all of the 3 days. Contact Ben Peppard for details. The MGA is sponsoring a picnic for all members after the Cedar Creek Tournament. There is no cost for members – a nominal fee will be charged for guests.
8. The MGA will participate in a Sadie Hawkins Tournament with the Women’s Golf Association during October. Details to follow.
9. The MGA will be a sponsor for the Cancer Foundation Tournament on Oct. 6. We will also be represented by the following team (Bill Fink, Ben Peppard, Vince Jones, Dick Gaul). Team alternates are 1.Jim Mitchell 2. Frank Beaty 3.Ray Naramore 4.Richard Stamm
10. The following members were elected as Officers for 2012-2013. President-Ken Brace, V.P. – Frank Beaty, Treasurer – Don Kasper, Secretary – Ken Sabol. Additional Board Members and Tournament Directors include: Dave King, Dean Wood, Roger Mutch, and Ray Naramore.
11. Dave King shared a year end review of MGA activities, speakers, and tournament winners.
12. Outgoing President Ray Naramore shared some final thoughts for the year and thanked many for their help and participation in MGA activities.
13. Meeting adjourned at 5:45
Submitted by,
Jim Wilson and Ken Brace