General Membership Meeting
October 9, 2012
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President Ken Brace.
The Minutes of the September meeting were approved.
Don Kasper gave the Treasurer’s Report:
1. We currently have 53 members
2. Current balance is $786.89
3. There are no bills outstanding
News from the Course:
Nothing firm yet on the sale of the golf course to Robert McNair, although there are hopeful signs that the sale may be completed in October, 2012.
The recent, successful tri-course tourney will be held again next year, although organizer, Ben Peppard, said that a vote would be held to determine the courses to be played.
The video of the Memorial Service at the 7th Green is posted on the MGA website.
The Sadie Hawkins Tourney has been rescheduled for November 3 at the Cedar Creek Golf Course. Pay directly at the Pro Shop. Fees are $35 members/$45 nonmembers.
Bill Robinson suggested that if the sale goes through, the MGA should check with the Aiken Golf Course to see if a similar group exists there and do some cooperative tournaments with that group.
Dean Wood suggested that the group take up a collection for Morgan, one of the kitchen staff, who is pregnant and scheduled to deliver in January. If done, it will be done as an email to the members for individual contributions, as the Cedar Creek Ladies Group has done.
President Brace outlined the meeting schedule for the coming year: the MGA Board will meet on the first thursday of the month at 4:00; the general membership meeting will be held on the second tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm. All meetings at the Club.
The next MGA tournament will be held December 7, 2012, at Fort Gordon. Details to come.
President Brace welcomed all suggestions for programs at future membership meetings.
Jim Mitchell asked if any of the MGA tournaments would be classified as a “handicap” tournament, i.e., one that stays in your handicap for one year. The Board agreed to explore this.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Sabol