13 March 2012
The MGA-CC General Membership meeting was called to order by President Ray Naramore at 2:35 p.m. in the restaurant area at the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
The Minutes of the February general membership meeting were accepted and approved.
Membership/Financial Report – Don Kasper reported that there are currently 115 paid members. The organization currently has a balance of $1,523.39. There are no outstanding bills to be paid. The financial report was accepted and approved.
Web Site Demonstration – Dave King gave a demonstration/instruction on use of the MGA Web Site. He went thru how to log on and bookmark as well as giving a brief tour of the site.
News from the Course – There will be a clean up day on Monday, 3/26. Sign up is in the pro shop. More info to come – check with Mike D.
There will be a Happy Hour on Wednesday, 3/14 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM featuring a St. Patricks Day Menu and a putting contest to benefit the Silver Bluff Golf Team. Bring your putter and $1.00 to enter.
Point South Wrap Up – Ben Peppard reported that there were 33 participating players which were divided into 3 flights. Most enjoyed the event but one foursome had a little problem navigating the course and each member of that group was assessed a 2 point penalty. A special shout out to Bill Robinson for being part of our outing. His knowledge of the rules helped with the penalty that was assessed.
The average net score for the three flights was as follows: 1st flight had an average net score of 77.0, the 2nd flight had an average net score of 78.3 and the 3rd flight had an average net score of 81. Ben was happy to see that each group was that close to each other
The results of the tournament were as follows:
1ST Flight - 1st place tie with Frank Beaty and Roger Mutch. 3rd place went to Tom Murphy and 4th place to Dave King.
2nd Flight - 1st place went to Dave Moore, 2nd place to Jack Sinclair, 3rd place to Ed Arthur
3rd Flight – 1st place went to Jim Campbell, 2nd place to Ken Sabol, 3rd place to Darrell Winefordner, and 4th place to Phil Stack.
Closest to the pin on #6 went to Raymond Smith.
The River Club Tournament – Dave King reported the next tournament will be held on Wednesday, 4/25 at the River Club in North Augusta. The cost will be $32 for green fees, cart, and range balls. An additional $10 will be collected for prizes making the total cost $42.00. Sign up will be open until 4/18.
New Business:
There is going to be a nine hole outing with the Silver bluff high school golf team on the Wednesday the 21st of March @ 4:00 pm. If you are interested let Ray Naramore know no later than the 19th. We will put $5.00 each into the pool for drinks and food after the round. Carts will be the responsibility of the Cedar Creek members who are participating. The format will be a four man scramble with the winners getting bragging rights. Come and help support the Silver Bluff Golf Team – it’s a fun time for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
The NCAA basketball pool sheets are available at the front desk if you are interested in becoming involved.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.
A special thanks to Don Kasper for taking notes of the meeting in Jim Wilson’s absence.
Ray Naramore