Minutes for General Membership Meeting
June 12, 2012
Meeting called to order at 2:35 by President Ray Naramore
The May 8, 2012 minutes were approved.
Treasurers Report – Don Kasper
Current membership 117
Balance on hand $1,243.39
Anticipated expenses - $350 to The Rally for a Cure ($250 for sponsorship and $100 for entering a team), $75 for Bagpiper and $80.25 for flowers at the annual Memorial Service.
End of year projected balance = $738.14
News from the course
Mike DePasqual put out a thank you note to all who helped with the “Hook a Kid on Golf” event held at Cedar Creek. There were more than 30 kids involved and 24 volunteers.
Cobblestone wrap up
Ken Sabol gave a summary of the Cobblestone tournament. We had 34 participants, 10 member and 24 senior tee players.
Winners in the Member tee flight were:
#1 Frank Beaty +1
#2 Ken Brace -1
#2 Brad Caudle -1
#4 Tim Burcroff -3
Winners in the Senior tee flight were:
#1 Jim Campbell +10
#2 Gary Hawley +8
#2 Dick Rommich +8
#2 Ron Yeskey +8
#5 Ben Peppard +6
#6 Barry Cox +2
#7 Bill Fink +1
#8-#9 Tie +0 Jim Mitchell, Dave Beveridge,
Roy Wright & Byron Vanier
Hidden Valley Tournament:
Dean Wood, tournament chairman for the Hidden Valley Tournament, reported that the tournament would be held on July 26th at 9:00 AM . The cost will be $30.00, $18.00 for greens fees and $12.00 for prize money. The format has not yet been decided but more details will be available in the near future.
Rules of Golf:
Bill Robinson gave a presentation of some of the rules of golf and answered quite a few questions from the members. Once again Bill did an excellent job.
New Business:
End of year barbeque: The current plan is that we use the monies left at the end of the current year to fund a barbeque for members of the MGA. The barbaque would be held after the last day of the 3 Day Tournament which is at Cedar Creek. You need not play in the tournament to attend. Since the Board can not spend more than $300.00 without the approval of the majority of members of a regularly scheduled meeting, this topic will be brought up for vote in our next meetings.
Rally for the Cure:
The Rally for the Cure Tournament will be held on October 6th at Cedar Creek. The MGA will be donating $250.00 to sponsor a hole. We will also be conducting a drawing to pick 4 players for a team to be sponsored by the MGA. We will be holding the drawing at the September General Membership Meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Submitted by stand-in secretary,
Ray Naramore