10 April 2012
The MGA-CC General Membership meeting was called to order by President Ray Naramore at 2:30 p.m. in the restaurant area at the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
The Minutes of the March general membership meeting was accepted and approved.
Membership/Financial Report – Don Kasper reported that there are currently 116 paid members. The organization currently has a balance of $1,533.39. There are no outstanding bills to be paid. The financial report was accepted and approved.
Club report –Mike D. reported that the greens have been aerified and the top dressing will be applied in a couple of days. He also announced that Cedar Creek will run a new tournament on May 12 at 9 a.m., called the Cedar Creek Tournament Players Championship. There will be three ways to win.
- Individual low net,
- Pick a player in the PGA Tour TPC whose better score on Thursday or Friday will be combined with your net score, and
- Blind draw another twosome's score and add it to your team score
All men will play from the black tees; all ladies will play the silver tees. All participants must have a valid USGA handicap. Cost will be: members with cart plan $18; members without cart plan $36; guests $46. This includes golf, range balls, lunch and prizes. Participants must sign up by Tuesday, May 8th and selection of the TPC pro partner made no later than May 9. (The field will be finalized on Friday, May 4th.)
Friday night couple’s scramble will begin the end of the month.
Par-Fore Parkinson’s -- Mike Benko attended the meeting and announced he is heading-up the par-fore Parkinson’s tournament on Monday, May 14, 10 a.m., at the Woodside Golf Course. The cost will be $100 per person, which will include golf and cart, a shirt, breakfast and lunch. There will be prizes for the winners and other gifts for the participants. Contact Mike if there are any further questions.
Inter-Club Match Play – President Naramore reported that Don Kasper is still pursuing match play with local courses, but the pros at the courses are not being too receptive. Ray said that they will see if there is enough interest by Cedar Creekers to enter the Carolina Golf Association and play the type of schedule that we played last year. Also, see if this is still a possibility.
Results of Survey: President Naramore displayed the results of the survey he sent out via e-mail last month. There were 24 respondents and he did not feel there were any big surprises, other than the number of people wanting to hold more tournaments at Cedar Creek. The results of all of the questions can be viewed on the MGA web site.
Up-coming Tournaments – The April tournament will be held at the River Club on the 25th, at 9 a.m. Cost will be $32, plus $10 for the prize fund. Entries are due by April 18.
The May tournament will be at Applewood on May 17, 9:30 a.m. Sign-up by May 10. Cost will be $19, plus $10 prize fund.
Dean Wood announced that he had finalized the July tournament to be at Hidden Valley on the 26th. Cost will be $18, plus $12 prize fund. Also August 23rd, there will be a tournament at Greenwood CC. Cost for that tourney will be $32, plus $10 prize fund.
New Business: President Naramore stated that the Silver Bluff outing was a success. The golf team and their coach thank all MGA members that made the event enjoyable.
Ray asked if there was any new business. None was offered.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Jim Wilson - Secretary