September 13, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Vice President John Moynihan at 5:00 pm.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the August 9th meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s report:
The balance as of today is $1034.18 including $43.00 from the 50-50 from last meeting.
There are currently 127 members.
Tip of the Day:
Kenny Evenson demonstrated Lag and The Plane of the golf swing. He said that you should start with easy swings to practice Lag and keeping on plane. It would become easier with a little practice.
News from the Course:
Frank Beaty reported that they are having trouble with the fairway grass on hole #15. Bunkers and tee boxes are completed and the greens are ready for play.
An idea was suggested by Dean Wood that until fairway grass is ready for play on #15, the hole should be played as a par 3. That idea is under consideration by Jim McNair.
Hole #9 will have a pipe installed in the run off area which should be completed in the next few weeks.
Flyover Videos:
The videos that were taken in mid August of the back 9 show the greens looking good but the fairways not as far along. New videos will be up on the web in 3 weeks or so.
Bill Robinson covered the various match play types and the rules associated with each. This was appropriate since we are approaching the Crystal Cup Tournament, now postponed until late in October.
Bill also brought to our attention that at The Aiken Golf Course hitting a ball across any road is considered out of bounds even if the ball comes to rest on another part of the course other than on the hole you are playing.
Results of the River Club Tournament:
The results are posted on the Web Site. Bill Ely noted that play was fairly quick and everyone seemed to enjoy the day.
Election of Officers:
There were no nominations from the floor or previously submitted to the board. Current President Richard Stamm requested not to serve another year as president but would be willing to serve as Vice President. Dean Spiro and Don Kasper volunteered to stay in their current positions as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Current Vice President John Moynihan volunteered to take over as President.
The 2016 / 2017 officers became:
John Moynihan President
Richard Stamm Vice President
Dean Spiro Secretary
Don Kasper Treasurer
The results were voted on and accepted.
Upcoming tournaments:
All upcoming tournaments were reviewed (see the web site). Even though some tournaments are not sponsored by the MGA, they were reviewed and the most notable change is that the Crystal Cup has been postponed to a future date.
Ken Brace announced The MGA Match Play Tournament on November 11th and 12th will have a change of format which will guarantee that all participants will play at least two eighteen hole matches. Details will be posted on the web site in the near future.
50 / 50:
This month’s 50 / 50 was won by Dick Leach. Total collections were $65 with Dick receiving $33 and the MGA treasury receiving $32.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ray Naramore
Temporary Secretary