General Membership Meeting
Jun 14, 2016
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President Richard Stamm.
Minutes for May 10, 2016 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Don Kasper is out of town – Richard Stamm presented the financial report.
Beginning Balance: $1,851.18
1 new member: $10.00
Silver Bluff Golf Team: $250.00
Silver Bluff Outing: $145.00
Par Fore Parkinsons: $100.00
K of C (Art Sotak): $100.00
Wreaths Across Am. $300.00
Ending Balance: $966.18
Tips From Our Pro (Kenny)
There are three rotations in a golf swing: Hips, shoulders and clubface.
Through rhythm you can maximize distance by effectively using these three
rotations. It is important that you not ‘hang back’ on your right side for a weak
follow through – instead, make sure your weight shifts to your left side as you
extend and rotate during your swing and follow through.
News From the Course
The back nine renovation is ahead of schedule. Greens have been reshaped,
fairways prepared for new grass. Sprigging of greens and fairways will begin at the
end of June. Dean Wood will coordinate volunteers for sprigging.
Front Nine: People are doing a better job of repairing Divots and Ballmarks –
Keep it up!
Rules of Golf.
Andrew Wilson reviewed and explained our booklet of ‘Local Rules’.
Local Rules cannot waive or conflict with any existing rule of Golf.
They are intended to address and clarify conditions and situations that exist at our
golf course. For example: Out of Bounds markers, water hazards, etc.
Old Business
Results from the Mount Vintage tournament were reviewed.
New Business
Dean Wood reviewed the format and options for the Lexington tournament to be
held Wednesday June 29.
The Midland Valley tournament will be held July 21. More details will be
Meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA