09 April 2013
The MGA-CC General Membership meeting was called to order by President Ken Brace at 5:00 p.m. in the Grill Room at the Cedar Creek Golf Club.
The Minutes of the February general membership meeting were accepted and approved.
Membership/Financial Report – Don Kasper reported that there are currently 117 paid members. The organization currently has a balance of $1,054.39. Upcoming expenses are $250.00 to the Silver Bluff golf team and $40.00 for Hook-A-Kid on golf.
News from the Course –
Tree removal on the course is complete with the exception of 2 trees on #8.
Stumps will be removed with no date known yet.
The water system controls have been updated. Water can be controlled remotely from Gary’s Ipad.
An antenna has been mounted on the roof for communications with course workers.
The greens will be fertilized and sanded after Master’s week.
Cart paths on #17 & #18 have been removed from tee to green and there is no plan to replace them.
There will be new unknown improvements to the course in the near future with the promise that we will like them.
With respect to ball washers on the carts – that is the way it is- it will not be changing.
Pine Ridge Tournament results-
The Pine Ridge tournament results are posted on the MGA web page.
Member Guest Tournament-
Several changes have been made to the tournament due to concerns expressed by some of the members. The tournament is now a member/guest – member/member. You may play with anyone you choose including other members (must be a male).
If you can not find someone to play with you can sign up as a single and you will be paired up with other players.
Food is no longer included in the cost, you may buy that on your own if desired.
Sign up for the tournament has been extended.
There will be more information available shortly on the web site and in an e-mail.
New Business-
None brought up.
Jason Goings, the Silver Bluff coach is in his last year. He has been elected as Aiken County Treasurer. Do we want to invite him to one of our meetings to thank him for his work as a coach?
The vote was yes.
Sponsors – Steve Santos still has signs from businesses that were willing to sponsor our tournaments. Do we want to try to solicit them and others to buy advertizing to help defray expenses for tournament.
The vote was yes.
It was brought up that the Wednesday Resident tee times have been revised for this week.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ray Naramore