General Membership Meeting
Feb 16 2017
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Jan 8 2017 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
We now have 115 paid members.
Beginning Balance: $ 1,646.31
Membership Dues: $ 140.00
Expenditures $ 14.50
Ending Balance: $1,771.81
50/50 balance: $182.00
Tip From the Pro (Kenny E.)
Kenny used a video of Ben Crane’s swing to illustrate swing planes and the
concept of swinging from the inside.
Illustrated points:
- Ben’s head, shoulders, hips and feet are all in line and aimed at the target.
- Ben is looking at the inside portion of the ball with a thought of hitting the inside.
- Golf clubs are designed (if swung properly) to square up and roll to a closed position if the club is taken back on plane with the club face opening in the back-swing and then swung down the plane to the inside of the ball.
If you try to modify your swing, beware – it can take as long as 30 weeks for you to
feel comfortable and full benefit is realized.
Rules Review (Bill Robinson)
Bill reviewed your options if your ball crosses in to the hazards at hole #2 & #5
(what to do when your ball crosses the lateral hazard / hazard lines) red v yellow.
Two important questions before proceeding:
- Is your ball in the hazard?
- Where did it cross? (did it cross a red or yellow hazard marking)
Old Business
Results for the Par 3 tournament (Sat Jan 14) were reviewed.
Results for the Feb 7 (AGC) tournament were reviewed.
New Business
Upcoming Tournament:
Monday Mar 6 12pm Shotgun start @ Westlake $50 entry fee, $5 for optional
skins game.
A preliminary schedule for future 2017 tournaments was reviewed.
General Discussion
A question was posed: Should we have a ‘Closest-to-the-pin’ for each set of Tees
played @ a MGA event. It will be considered.
Meeting was adjourned at 6pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA