General Membership Meeting
Jul 10, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Jun 12, 2018 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1492.47
+ 32.00 (50/50)
+ 10.00 (1 new member, 121 current members)
- 40.00 Hook a Kid on Golf
- 24.00 Prize for Woodside Tournament
- 39.00 Woodside Gift certificate
Ending Bal $ 1431.47
Update from Gary Crisafuli
All sign posts and signs are up.
Research on new golf balls for the range ( 500 dozen prices)
$2,475 – Easy Picker
3,475 - Titleist
3,495 - Wittek
Rules Review - current rules vs. rules that will be enacted 2019
(George Montgomery)
George discussed Rule #17 (Penalty Areas – aka ‘hazards’)
Old Business
Woodside tournament results were reviewed and feedback from the membership
was that they liked the two man format.
New Business
Our fiscal year will be ending Sep 30 and we need to establish new officers.
We are still seeking nominees for Secretary & Treasurer. We will notify all MGA
members (Via email) of this requirement
Cobblestone tournament is Wed July 25 – we still have openings.
The remainder of the 2018 tournament schedule was reviewed.
50/50 Drawing
$65 collected, Ken Brace had the winning ticket (435116) earning him $33.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA