General Membership Meeting
Jan 9, 2018
Meeting called to order at 5:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
We did not have a general membership meeting for Dec 2017;
Minutes for Nov 12, 2017 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1280.99
- 109.02 Gift card for Kenny E.
Ending Bal $ 1171.97
Tip From the Pro (Kenny E.)
Playing during the winter months – we’re wearing layers of clothes, the fairways
are dormant and shots don’t carry as far.
1) Practice at the range wearing the same clothes as you would during a cold winter round.
2) Use a ¾ swing to compensate for the restrictions of wearing so many layers.
This will help with tight lies.
Bunker shots: Practice in a bunker without using a ball. Listen for the ‘thump’ and watch for some
sand to fly out. Once you are comfortable with the swing, thump & sand flying out, drop a few
balls and repeat your swing.
Rules Review (George Montgomery)
1) Asking another player to mark their ball if it interferes physically or mentally with a shot
being attempted.
2) If another player’s ball may assist with the shot being attempted.
3) Declaring a ball unplayable and dropping to proceed.
New Business
We need more players for the Par 3 (Brrr 3).
Richard Stamm will be tournament Director for the Westlake tournament to be held
Monday March 5. It will be a modified Stableford event.
We are seeking your suggestions of new venues for future MGA events.
50/50 Drawing
$90 collected, winning ticket 434636 earned Tim Downey $45.00 – congrats!
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro, Secretary - MGA