General Membership Meeting
Feb 21, 2019
Meeting called to order at 3:00 pm by President John Moynihan.
Minutes for Jan 8, 2019 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Beginning Bal: $ 1820.43
+ 160.00 (Membership Dues)
+ 45.00 (50-50)
- 100.00 (Gift Card for Kenny)
- 20.00 (Office Supplies)
Ending Bal $ 1905.43
Old Business
Reviewed results from the Feb 9 Par 3 tournament.
John Moynihan / Ray Naramore reviewed the list of items created during our
brainstorming sessions.
An item on the list was a suggestion that the MGA conduct a charity golf
outing. We will survey the membership for suggestions as to what charity we
should select as the beneficiary.
Ray is seeking additional volunteers to take a lead role for the unassigned items
on the list.
New Business
Dave King is re-doing the MGA website.
John Moynihan reviewed the upcoming tournament schedule.
50/50 Drawing
$90 total was collected. Jeff Kanc held the winning ticket # 445225 and won $45.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Minutes prepared and posted by Dean Spiro