The virus appears to be raising it nasty head again, in several sections of the country as we enter the fall season. We all want to do as much as we can to avoid temporary shutdowns and keep our economy as healthy and prosperous as we can. Wearing a mask has become a political issue rather than a scientific tool to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. Whichever side of this issue you are on, please do what you can to keep yourself and those around you as safe as possible. We are still not at a point that we feel a general membership meeting can be held safely so we will continue trying to communicate through emails and our website. However, we will continue to hold our tournaments. Check our website for details.
The GACC Board of Directors invited Lee Zak to attend our October board meeting to give us advice on how the virus spreads and some safety methods to be aware of so we can continue to play golf during the pandemic. Lee is a retired Certified Industrial Hygienist with specialized knowledge on the subject. In addition, Lee provided a link to an article written by one of her colleagues at the University of Buffalo. The article is not intended to be a political statement but represents the scientific findings of the author. There is a video in the article that is worth watching. We thank Lee for helping us better understand this situation.
Link to the Article:’t-mean-you’re-safe-from-covid-19/12748858
Several of the members have expressed their concern about entering the pro-shop during the crowded sign-in period were several people are at times not wearing masks. Mike DePasquale has developed a “No-Entry Sign-In” procedure. Contact Mike for the details. In general, you may call in to sign up for any of the regular groups that play weekly such as the Points and Skins, Dogfight, the Wednesday and Friday games or the ladies’ events. if you do not have an account, you will need a credit card on file for the cart and green fee. If you want to enter the hole-in- pot you can deposit some cash to draw from for the entry. There will be carts located in front of the Clubhouse (or other designated locations) with keys already in them for your use. If you are interested contact Mike DePasquale.
We have been extremely limited this year as to what we can do as an association. We started the year with some good plans for more social events, home tournaments and other activities
to raise funds for the golf course. Hopefully when things return to normal, we can resurrect them. Until then we are open to ideas and suggestions to make the GACC an organization that golfers will be proud to be members.
The GACC Board of Directors invited Lee Zak to attend our October board meeting to give us advice on how the virus spreads and some safety methods to be aware of so we can continue to play golf during the pandemic. Lee is a retired Certified Industrial Hygienist with specialized knowledge on the subject. In addition, Lee provided a link to an article written by one of her colleagues at the University of Buffalo. The article is not intended to be a political statement but represents the scientific findings of the author. There is a video in the article that is worth watching. We thank Lee for helping us better understand this situation.
Link to the Article:’t-mean-you’re-safe-from-covid-19/12748858
Several of the members have expressed their concern about entering the pro-shop during the crowded sign-in period were several people are at times not wearing masks. Mike DePasquale has developed a “No-Entry Sign-In” procedure. Contact Mike for the details. In general, you may call in to sign up for any of the regular groups that play weekly such as the Points and Skins, Dogfight, the Wednesday and Friday games or the ladies’ events. if you do not have an account, you will need a credit card on file for the cart and green fee. If you want to enter the hole-in- pot you can deposit some cash to draw from for the entry. There will be carts located in front of the Clubhouse (or other designated locations) with keys already in them for your use. If you are interested contact Mike DePasquale.
We have been extremely limited this year as to what we can do as an association. We started the year with some good plans for more social events, home tournaments and other activities
to raise funds for the golf course. Hopefully when things return to normal, we can resurrect them. Until then we are open to ideas and suggestions to make the GACC an organization that golfers will be proud to be members.