GACC Members without a current USGA Handicap or those who choose not to participate in the prize fund are welcome to play in GACC tournaments and will not be required to pay the prize fund entry fee.
The decision not to participate in the prize fund must be made at the time the tournament entry is made. |
Cost:$55 - includes Green Fees, Cart, Range, Prize Fund and Skins
$50 - includes Green Fees, Cart, Range, and Prize Fund (NO SKINS) $38 - includes Green Fees, Cart, Range (NO PRIZE FUND OR SKINS) Note:
To play fill out the form and submit it with your check, payable to GACC. You may either place your entry form and check in the GACC box at the Cedar Creek Pro Shop, The Aiken Golf Club Pro Shop or mail it to GACC, ℅ Cedar Creek Golf Club, 2475 Club Dr, Aiken SC 29803 Your Entry must be received NLT Thursday, Sep 16, 2021. Not a GACC Member? No problem, just include a $15 check made payable to GACC for your annual dues. Directions |