Cost$31 (Green Fees, Cart, Range and Lunch!
$10 Prize Fund $5 Optional Skins Entry into Ft. GordonNames of Players will be sent to the course NLT Friday 30 Nov 2020. Those on the List will be allowed to enter through GATE 1 ONLY with minimum delay. All players must show a current Driver's License or other Valid ID.
IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE LIST YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO STOP AT THE GATE AND OBTAIN A PASS. GATE 1 ONLY! The driver will be required to show a current driver's license, proof of auto insurance and vehicle title/registation. Others in the car must have a government issued ID such as a drivers license.
If you have a DoD ID card you may enter through any Gate. We have some members who have a Military ID and are willing to drive. Contact Ken Brace if you have such a pass and are willing to take passengers or if you would like to ride with someone who has a pass.
Directions Allow extra driving time, 15 to 20 min, to get throughout the guard gates. If you or any of your fellow members have a DoD ID card you must enter through any Gate and will be allowed to pass without stopping to get a pass. If you do not have a DoD ID card the driver will be required to show a current driver's license, proof of auto insurance and vehicle title/registation. Others in the car must have a government issued ID such as a drivers license. The driver will be required to park and get a base pass.